by Anneka Ireland-Wolfe | Mar 1, 2021 | Tips and Tricks, Viticulture Know How
Vineyard Soil – Dirty Talk When working in the world of wine people wax lyrically all the time about vineyard soil. The fact is soil is our life support system and without it life would be near impossible. It’s ability to retain water and nutrients, fix...
by Anneka Ireland-Wolfe | Mar 1, 2021 | Pruning, Tips and Tricks
Grapevine Pruning Grapevine pruning is undoubtedly the most important vineyard task of the year and is a vital part of training and establishment. There are two types of pruning, winter pruning when the vines are dormant and the previous year’s canes are removed and...
by Anneka Ireland-Wolfe | Feb 11, 2021 | How to..., Tips and Tricks, Viticulture Know How
Vineyard Magazine Feature We were delighted to be featured in vineyard magazine, The UK’s leading magazine for viticulturists and vineyard owners. Click here to read the full article...
by Anneka Ireland-Wolfe | Feb 11, 2021 | How to..., Tips and Tricks, Viticulture Know How
Planting a Vineyard – Design and Management When planting a vineyard, having a vineyard design that complements your management plan so from day one is a key part of operating a successful vineyard. However, highlighting the variances and minimising their affect...
by jimwine | Jan 20, 2021 | How to..., Tips and Tricks, Viticulture Know How
Planting a Vineyard – Site Selection Selecting a great site is the single most important factor when planting a vineyard. Its variable characteristics need to be sensitively assessed and measured so that appropriate decisions can be made on vineyard design. This...
by jimwine | Sep 21, 2020 | Tips and Tricks
Vineyard Management Tips Every growing season has its viticultural challenges, especially in a cool climate. Whether it’s spring frost, excessive rain, drought or Covid-19 there’s always something vineyard managers need to react to. Vineyard efficiency can greatly...